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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
P3001 | Smooth muscle cell medium SMGCM | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560@350.00... |
P4001 | Pericyte medium (PGM) | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560.00@380.00... |
P5001 | MM melanocyte medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P6001 | FGCM fibroblast medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560.00@380.00... |
P7001 | EPGM endothelial Progenitor cell medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P8001 | KGM Keratinocyte Serum Free Medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1600.00@352.00... |
P9001 | EpGCM low serum epithelial cell medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P1101 | Stem Cell Neural Differentiation Medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥2580.00@526.00... |
P1201 | Neural stem cell culture-Serum Free | 500ml@100ml... | ¥2280.00@536.00... |
P1301 | Induction Osteogenic differentiation medium /Osteogenic differentiation medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥2769.00@580.00... |
P1302 | Induction lipid differentiation Medium. Adipogenic culture medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥2580.00@665.00... |
P1303 | Osteoblast inducer | 5ml... | ¥1080... |
QD1701 | OrgCult™-CTCs(XF) GF | 25ml... | ¥3552.00... |
QD1601 | OrgCult™li Factor (XF) GF | 25ml... | ¥2856.00... |
QD1501 | OrgCult™-Stomach(XF) GF | 25ml... | ¥2856.00... |