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No. Product Specification Price
PCE0201 Taq-DNA polymerase 1500 u/3000 u... ¥3493.00/6293.00...
HLM0301 ALLin™ Ultra High Fidelity Red Premix 100 r of 50 µl/500 r... ¥2233.00/10073.00...
HLE0401 ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA polymerase 100 u/500 u... ¥1449.00/6895.00...
HLM0401 ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi DNA Premix 100 r of 50 µl/500 r... ¥2373.00/10353.00...
RTK0101 qScriber™ cDNA Synthesis Kit 25 r of 20 µl/100 r ... ¥1673.00/5453.00...
RNI0301 SecurRIN™ Advanced RNase enzyme inhibitors 2500 u/12500 u... ¥1043.00/4193.00...