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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
4Z0-705 | Cell Freezing Medium | 50ml... | ¥2574... |
4Z0-800 | Cell Passage Kit ™ | 100ml... | ¥2574.00... |
4Z0-610 | DPBS Phosphate Buffer PRG-1 EDTA DpBS Solution | 100ml... | ¥1026.00... |
4Z0-310 | Trypsin EDTA Solution | 100ml... | ¥1026.00... |
4Z0-410 | Trypsin Inhibitor Solution PRG-3 | 100ml... | ¥1224.00... |
4Z0-840 | Cell Digestion Kit ™ | 100ml... | ¥4284.00... |
4CB-500 | Cell Growth Factor CultureBoost ™ | 10ml... | ¥2538.00... |
4CB-500-R | Recombinant Cell Growth Factor CultureBoost-R ™ | 10ml... | ¥2448.00... |
SF-4ZR-500 | Serum Free RocketFuel ™ | 8ml... | ¥2070.00... |
SF-4ZR-500-R | Serum Free Recombinant RocketFuel ™ | 8ml... | ¥2070.00... |
4Z0-643 | Bac Off Antibiotics ® Antibiotic | 4ml... | ¥1260.00... |
4Z0-644 | Bac Off Antibiotics ® Antibiotic | 10ml... | ¥2248.00... |
4Z0-201 | Attachment Factor ™ | 10ml... | ¥1170.00... |
4Z0-210 | Attachment Factor ™ | 100ml@10ml... | ¥3420.00@1170.00... |