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  • EpGCM低血清上皮细胞培养基

EpGCM low serum epithelial cell medium


Price: ¥1560.00

amount: - +
  • EpGCM低血清上皮细胞培养基
Products Description

Epithelial cell medium is a low serum epithelial cell complete medium suitable for most epithelial cells and immortalized epithelial cell lines. 

Important human organs such as lung, kidney, liver, pancreas and skin are composed of organ-specific differentiated epithelial cells. Epithelial cell culture-medium is supplemented with vitamins, minerals, cell growth factors and a small amount of hormones to inhibit the growth of heterocells and promote the normal metabolic function of epithelial cells as required by the growth of epithelial cells. 

Medium formula: 

Base medium: 500ml (P1000), Epithelial growth factor (Epithelial GF) 5ml, fetal bovine serum: 10ml (SD0200), G/A: 5ml(SD0038

Note: 100ml bottle is prepared for the whole bottle without kit.

Description: The product is only used for scientific research

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