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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
P1001 | ECGM Endothelial Cell Culture Medium | 500ml@P1001-NG@P1001... | ¥1560.00@1680.00@1680... |
P2001 | MSCM mesenchymal stem cell medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560.00@342.00... |
P3001 | Smooth muscle cell medium SMGCM | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560@350.00... |
P4001 | Pericyte medium (PGM) | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560.00@380.00... |
P5001 | MM melanocyte medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P6001 | FGCM fibroblast medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥1560.00@380.00... |
P7001 | EPGM endothelial Progenitor cell medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P9001 | EpGCM low serum epithelial cell medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P1003 | ECGM-M endothelial cell culture medium | 500ml... | ¥1560... |
P1004 | ECGS-M Endothelial Cell Growth Factor | 5ml... | ¥1080... |
P2802 | SMCS Cell Growth Factor | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P2901 | Skeletal muscle cell culture medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P2900 | SKMM skeletal muscle cell base medium | 500ml... | ¥680.00... |
P2902 | Cell growth factors (SKGS) | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P3101 | Neutrophil Mediu(NCM) | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |