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EPGM endothelial Progenitor cell medium
Price: ¥1560.00
Products Description
Maintain the culture characteristics of endothelial progenitor cells, suitable for the growth of a variety of gene-derived endothelial progenitor cells. EPCs are a group of immature endothelial cells with migratory characteristics, which can further proliferate and differentiate. They lack the characteristic phenotype of mature endothelial cells, and cannot form a lumen like structure. The culture medium did not contain heparin sodium and VEGF contained in endothelial cells, and endothelial progenitor cell growth factor was added to maintain cell growth and cell characteristics. Each batch was tested free of endotoxin, bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma.
Medium formula: Endothelial Progenitor base Medium EPGM-b (P7000) : 500ml; Cell Growth Factor EPGS(P7002)5ml; Fetal Bovine Serum FBS (SD0200) 25ml; G/A (SD0038) 5ml
Note: 100ml bottles are prepared in whole bottles without kits.
Declaration: This product is for scientific research only.
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SD0200 | Fetal Bovine Serum FBS (Advance to superior) | 500ml@100ml@25ML@10ml | ¥4960.00@1250.00@280.00@160.00 |
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SD0038 | G/A Gentamicin Amphotericin B Mixed Solution (100x) | 100ml@50ml@5ml | ¥76.00@46.00@26.00 |
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