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  • 平滑肌细胞培养基SMGCM

Smooth muscle cell medium SMGCM


Price: ¥1560 ¥350.00

amount: - +
  • 平滑肌细胞培养基SMGCM
Products Description

Smooth muscle cell medium is specially used for primary smooth muscle cell culture of low serum medium, serum content of 2%, this medium contains smooth muscle cell growth required by TGF, FGF and other growth factors, suitable for the growth of most smooth muscle cells, with this medium to extract cells, it is recommended to increase the serum to 5% to get more cells, this medium by asthenic, No mycoplasma, no endotoxin test.

Medium set includes:

Smooth muscle Base Medium SMGMM-B (P3000) 485ml;SMGC Smooth Muscle Growth Factor (P3002)  : 5ml; FBS/ Fetal Bovine Serum (SD0200) : 10ml; G/A (SD0038) : 5ml 

Note: 100ml is configured for the whole bottle. 

Declaration: This product is for scientific research only

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