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No. Product Specification Price
CD0454 HMy2.CIR [C1R, HMy2.C1R] Human B lymphocyte 1E+6 cells Flask@1E... ¥1600.00@1900.00...
CD0453 H524 Human Small Cell Lung Cancer 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1400.00...
CD0452 HN4 Human Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Cell 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥Inquiry...
CD0451 LX-2 Human Hepatic Stellate Cells 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1700.00...
CD0450 Pituitary Tumor Cells Of MMQ Rats 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1700.00...
CD0449 Hela. S3 Human Cervical Cancer Cells 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1500.00...
CD0448 H1437 Human Lung Cancer Cells 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥Inquiry...
CD0447 B16F0 Mouse Melanoma Cell Line 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1400.00...
CD0446 RPMI-2650 Human Nasal Septal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1700.00...
CD0445 Farage Human B Lymphoma Cell Line 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1400.00...
CD0444 AtT-20 Mouse Pituitary Tumor Cells (secreting Growth Promoting Hormone And Secretory Hormone) 1× 10⁶cells... ¥1300.00...
CD0443 BIU-87 Human Superficial Bladder Cancer Cells 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥inquiry...
CD0442 H929 Human Lung Cancer Cells (lymph Node Metastasis) 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1700.00...
CD0441 HCE-8693 Human Cecal Adenocarcinoma Cells (undifferentiated) 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1700.00...
CD0440 HUTU-80 Human Duodenal Adenocarcinoma Cells 1E+6 Cells Flask... ¥1900.00...