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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
SD0008 | Sodium Pyruvate (100X) | 100ml@50ml... | ¥79.00@49.00... |
SD0007 | L-glutamine (100X) | 100ml@50ml... | ¥59.00@39.00... |
SD0400 | Calf serum (domestic) Calf serum | 100ml... | ¥280.00... |
SD0063 | Red cell lysate | 100ml... | ¥88.00... |
SD0064 | Medisorbgel™ microsphere hydrogel | 5ml... | ¥399.00... |
SD0048 | Essential amino acid solution for cell culture | 100ml@50ml... | ¥188.00@108.00... |
SD0009 | HEPES(100X) | 100ml@50ml ... | ¥128.00@78.00 ... |
SD0010 | DD Water | 1L@500ML ... | ¥119.00@69.00 ... |
SD0012 | Insulin Iron Selenium Transfer Protein ITS Supplement 100x | 10ML@5ML ... | ¥328.00@168.00 ... |
P1002 | ECGS Endothelial Cell Growth Factor | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
SD0014 | Inositol | 5ml@1ml... | ¥168.00@48.00... |
SD0016 | Folic Acid | 5ml@1ml ... | ¥168.00@48.00 ... |
SD0020 | Recombinant Human Insulin (rhInsulin) | 10ml@5ml@1ml... | ¥128.00@68.00@28.00... |
SD0024 | G418 100x | 5ml@1ml... | ¥50.00@15.00... |
SD0500 | KOSR-SerumReplacer™ | 100ml... | ¥1080.00... |