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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
RLK0101 | Rally™ Rapid Ligation kit | 40 r of 20 µl@200 r ... | ¥1673.00@6713.00... |
HER0101 | HighEnd™ End Repair Kit | 40 r of 25 µl@200 r ... | ¥1813.00@7553.00... |
DNL0102 | Take5™ DNA Protein Ladder (200 appl. of 5 µl) | 1kb@100 bp@50 bp... | ¥1365.00@1365.00@1533... |
DNL0402 | Take5™ HR DNA Ladder | 200 appl. of 5 µl... | ¥1533.00... |
NAS0101 | StainIN™ Red Nucleic Acid Dye (20000X) | 1 ml... | ¥1372.00... |
NAS0201 | StainIN™ green nucleic acid dye | 20000X... | ¥1372.00... |
PRL0102 | Cozy™ Pre-dyed Protein Ladder | 200 appl. of 5 µl... | ¥2793.00... |
PRL0202 | CozyHi™ Pre-dyed Protein Ladder | 200 appl. of 5 µl... | ¥2933.00... |
PRL0302 | CozyXL™ Pre-Dyed Protein Ladder | 200 appl. of 5 µl... | ¥3493.00... |
QOP0501 | 4X probe one-step quantitative qPCR kit ROX L | 200 r of 20 µl@1000 ... | ¥4795.00@20811.00... |