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  • Rally™ Rapid Ligation试剂盒

Rally™ Rapid Ligation kit


Price: ¥1673.00 ¥6713.00

40 r of 20 µl
amount: - +
  • Rally™ Rapid Ligation试剂盒
Products Description

Rally ™ Rapid alignment kit is an advanced tool designed for fast and efficient connection response, cloning or adapter/connector connection applications. This kit contains specially prepared Rally ™ T4 DNA ligase executes faster; And 2X buffer containing PEG to accelerate the connection of DNA ends.

The combination of these two components allows effective and fast connection reaction of the ends of passive and sticky DNA, eliminating the need for several hours or overnight incubation.

Rally ™ T4 DNA ligase, like classical enzymes, catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds between 5 'phosphate and 3' hydroxy groups at the ends of DNA or RNA. It connects the blunt and sticky ends and repairs the single-stranded gap of double-stranded DNA, RNA or DNA/RNA hybridization.

Product application:

Cloning, vector insertion connection

Adapter or connector connection

Linear DNA self-circulation

Product advantages:

Fast and efficient coupling in 5 minutes

Common for blunt end or cohesive end ligation

Advanced Reagents - Repeatable Results

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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