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  • HighEnd™末端修复试剂盒

HighEnd™ End Repair Kit


Price: ¥1813.00 ¥7553.00

40 r of 25 µl
amount: - +
  • HighEnd™末端修复试剂盒
Products Description

HighEnd ™ Repair Kit is an advanced tool designed for fast and efficient DNA end repair before coupling reaction. PCR products, cut or atomized DNA, and restricted digested DNA and cDNA can be inactivated/phosphorylated within a few minutes, preparing for effective passive end connection and cloning.

The kit includes high-end ™ Repair the optimized combination of mixed - T4 DNA polymerase and T4 polynucleotide kinase. The 5 '→ 3' and 3 '→ 5' exonuclease activities of T4 DNA polymerase form blunt-end DNA. T4 polynucleotide kinase phosphorylates the end of 5 'DNA. The obtained DNA is the high-quality blunt end substrate of T4 DNA ligase.

Up to 1-5 micrograms of linear DNA can be passivated and phosphorylated in a 20-minute reaction. After thermal deactivation, the reaction mixture can be used for blunt end connection.

PCR products obtain high-fidelity polymerase, such as ALLin ™ HiFi DNA polymerase (HLE0201).

Product application:

Preparation of PCR products, cutting or atomizing DNA, limiting digestion of DNA, and use for blunt end connected cDNA

5 '- and/or 3' - protruding end to 5 '- phosphorylated blunt end

Product advantages:

Fast and simple passivation and phosphorylation of DNA immediately

General - prepare any type of DNA for blunt end ligation

High quality reagent - repeatable results

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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