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OrgCult™-Liver (XF) Medium
Price: ¥1160.00 ¥2760.00 ¥3280.00
Products Description
OrgCult ™- Liver (XF) culture medium is suitable for inducing pluripotent stem cells, embryos or adults, healthy or diseased tissues, and liver cancer organs. Liver cancer is divided into primary liver cancer and secondary liver cancer, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, approximately 85% -90%), cholangiocarcinoma (ICC, approximately 5%), and mixed liver cancer (HCC-ICC), among others. OrgCut is used ™- Liver (XF) liver cancer organ culture medium can maintain and cultivate primary liver cancer organs or previously frozen liver cancer organs for a long time. Organs can be observed after 7-10 days of cultivation, and liver cancer cells can be observed after 15-20 days. After becoming liver cancer organs, they are passaged every 10 days for maintenance culture and amplification. OrgCut ™- The liver (XF) liver cancer organ culture medium adopts a serum free and animal free component free formula, which can conveniently and flexibly construct liver cancer organs required for experiments, improve the stability of the experiment, and reduce the use of experimental animals.
Medium Formula:
OrgCut ™- Liver (XF) basic culture medium (product number: QD1600-b): 250ml
OrgCult ™ Li Factor (product number: QD1601): 25ml
Sarcoma Matrix matrix adhesive (product number: SD0054): 1ml
Note: The product is for scientific research use only
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