Tel:400 179 0116,13012892256,17521589219

Cell, culture reagent, life science research overall service provider!


About us

Shanghai QiDa Biotechnology Co., LTD&nbp;i laer focued on the development and manufacturing of the highet tandard reearch tool for the cience of cell biology.&nbp;We have a ditinguihed cell biology team and technical upport team ,We provide primary cell,&nbp;cell Line,medium, and reagent&nbp;for&nbp;Reearch intitution/Hopital/School/Pharmaceutical enterprie&nbp;to aid in the undertanding of cell biology and dicovery of treatment for all varietie of human condition.&nbp;our company i currently the agent of Cell Sytem and HighQu product.The&nbp;Cell Sytem ha&nbp;Founded in Seattle in 1989 by eteemed cell biologit Carl Soderland, Cell Sytem became an early expert in the iolation and preparation of primary cell culture. Thee primary cell culture are manufactured to a "gold" tandard e

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