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OrgCult™-Prostate Organoid Culture Medium
Price: ¥1260.00 ¥2980.00 ¥3360.00
Products Description
Prostate cancer organoid culture medium is mainly used in scientific research and drug screening
fields, to simulate the microenvironment of prostate cancer, to study the biological characteristics of
cancer and test the effectiveness of new drugs. Qida Biotech OrgCult ™-Prostate Prostate cancer
organoid culture medium is composed of small molecule compounds, hormones, vitamins, and
recombinant proteins, and does not contain direct animal derived components to maintain the
uniformity of organoid formation and experimental reproducibility. It is suitable for the cultivation
and expansion of normal prostate organoids from humans and mice, as well as prostate cancer
organoids, reducing animal abuse and improving experimental efficiency.
Combination: OrgCult ™-SCC(XF) Basic culture medium (item number: QD2500-b): 250ml ;
OrgCult ™ In Factor ( Product Code: QD2501): 25m
Sarcoma Matrix Matrix Adhesive (Product Code: SD0054): 1ml
Note:The product is for scientific research purposes only
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QD2500-b | OrgCult™-Prostatebasic medium | 250ml | ¥720 |
QD2501 | OrgCult™ In Factorprostate cancer organoid culture growth factors | 25ml | ¥3216 |
SD0054 | Sarcoma Matrix | 5ml@1ml | ¥1200.00@368.00 |
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SD0055 | Organization Freezing Solution(XF) | 100ml | ¥428.00 |
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SD0011 | B-27 NeuCult™ Supplement(50X) | 5ml@10ml@Minus Vitamin A 5ml@Minus Vitamin A 10ml | ¥520.00@980.00@560.00@1120.00 |