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Current position:Home > Products > Speciality Media > OrgCult™ Medium(XF) > OrgCult™ Medium(XF) > OrgCult™-SkinC(XF) Medium
  • OrgCult™-SkinC(XF)皮肤癌类器官培养基

OrgCult™-SkinC(XF) Medium


Price: ¥1160.00 ¥2760.00 ¥3280.00

amount: - +
  • OrgCult™-SkinC(XF)皮肤癌类器官培养基
Products Description

Skin cancer is the most common malignant tumor after solid organ transplantation, among which skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common, with an incidence of 65 times that of the general population. The death risk of patients also increases 52 times, and its incidence rate gradually increases with the prolongation of the survival time after transplantation. Many factors increase the risk of skin cancer in organ transplant patients. OrgCult ™- SkinC (XF) skin cancer organoid culture medium supports the construction and long-term maintenance of normal skin and skin cancer organoids, respectively. OrgCut ™- SkinC (XF) is a serum free and animal free component that greatly improves the rigor of drug screening and experimental uniformity, reducing the use of experimental animals.

Medium Formula:

OrgCut ™- SkinC (XF) basic culture medium (product number: QD2100-b): 250ml

OrgCult ™ SkC Factor (product number: QD2101): 25ml

Sarcoma Matrix matrix adhesive (product number: SD0054): 1ml

Note: The product is for scientific research use only

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