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  • 0.2%-2%明胶溶液

0.2%-2% gelatin solution


Price: ¥128.00 ¥198.00

amount: - +
  • 0.2%-2%明胶溶液
Products Description

Gelatin is a hydrocolloid, rich in glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, and has structural stability. It is synthesized by alkaline digestion of bovine skin collagen, and is called type B. Gelatin is widely used in food industry. After being digested from the triple helix collagen, it occupies the random coil structure. The most common source of gelatin in industrial production is slaughter by-products. The isoelectric pH values of type A gelatin and type B gelatin are different. It is recommended to use this product as a cell culture matrix with a concentration of 1-5 μ G/cm2 or 0.5-50 μ g/mL。 The optimal concentration depends on the cell type and the application and research objectives.

usage method:

1.Dissolve the product for 4 degrees, and then pack it separately to avoid lowering the potency of the product

2.Prepare the cell container to be coated;

3.Add the diluted solution into the cell culture bottle/dish to completely cover its bottom area

4.After 15 minutes, suck out the solution;

5.Add the prepared culture medium and cells in turn;

The experimental results showed that the survival of cells coated with this product was about 10-20% higher than that of endothelial cells directly paved.

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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