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Current position:Home > Products > Cell Line/Self-innovate Reagent > Animal cell line > Mouese cells Line > SV40 MES 13 Mouse Glomerular Mesangial Cells
  • SV40 MES 13小鼠肾小球系膜细胞
  • SV40 MES 13小鼠肾小球系膜细胞

SV40 MES 13 Mouse Glomerular Mesangial Cells


Price: ¥1100.00 ¥1400.00

1E+6 Cells Flask
amount: - +
  • SV40 MES 13小鼠肾小球系膜细胞
  • SV40 MES 13小鼠肾小球系膜细胞
Products Description

The cytoskeletal staining of this cell line highlights actin, and there are abundant parallel microfilaments in the cytoplasm. It is reported that they will contract in the presence of 1uM angiotensin II. The cells were cloned in soft agar, SV40 big T antigen was positive, and were identified and stored without mycoplasma.

Tissue and Cell Type: glomerular mesangial cells

Morphology: cardiac fibroblasts like, adherent growth

Medium and Culture Conditions

90% DMEM/F12 (3:1) medium+5% fetal bovine serum (SD0200)+14mM HEPES (SD0009)+1% GA (SD0038)

Link to complete medium: DMEM/F12 complete medium (MD0607)

Gas phase: air, 95%; Carbon dioxide, 5%. Temperature: 37 ℃.

Freezing conditions: basic medium+5% DMSO+20% FBS (SD0200)

Complete cryopreservation solution: non-programmed cooling cell cryopreservation solution (low serum) (SD0001)

Note: This product is for scientific research only

Related products
No. Product specification Price
SD0100 FBS Fetal Bovine Serum (domestic Super Grade) 500ml@100ml ¥2950.00@620.00
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MD0600 DMEM/F12 Basic Medium 500ml Liquid ¥80.00
MD0607 DMEM/F12 complete medium 500ml ¥460.00
SD0009 HEPES(100X) 100ml@50ml ¥128.00@78.00
SD0038 G/A Gentamicin Amphotericin B Mixed Solution (100x) 100ml@50ml@5ml ¥76.00@46.00@26.00
SD0200 Fetal Bovine Serum FBS (Advance to superior) 500ml@100ml@25ML@10ml ¥4960.00@1250.00@280.00@160.00
CD7052 Mouse glomerular mesangial cells 1E+6 cells Flask ¥2980