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- Human Cardiac Series
- B6129SF2/J mouse
- BALB/c mouse
- BKS DB Mouse
- Bovine primary cell
- C57BL/10J Mouse primary cell
- Canine primary cells
- CD-1 Mouse
- CD57 mouse
- Human Bone and Muscle System
- Human Blood System
- Rats Systems
- Secretory System
- Human respiratory system
- Human Digestive system
- Mammary System
- Human nervous system
- Others Animail primary cell
- Human Tumor primary cell
- C57BL/6 Mouse
- Skin Primary cells
- urinary system
- reproductive system
- visual system
- Hair System
- Hepatocyte system
No. | Product | Specification | Price |
ABC-73 | BALB/cVenous fibroblasts from BALB / c mice- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-329 | Hamster erythrocytes- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-585 | Human cardiomyocyte- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-841 | HTonEpiC- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-1097 | Human gastric fibroblasts- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-1353 | Rat mesangial cells- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-74 | ()Flattened canine (Beagle) hepatocytes- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-330 | Equine erythrocytes- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-586 | -Human cardiomyocytes - newborn- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-842 | HTF - | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-1098 | Human thymic epithelial cells- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-1354 | Rat renal tubular epithelial cells- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-75 | BKS DBAortic endothelial cells of BKS db mice- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-331 | -GFPHuman umbilical vein endothelial cell GFP- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |
ABC-843 | Microvascular endothelial cells of human tonsil- | 1 vial... | ¥inquiry... |