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No. Product Specification Price
ABC-1064 PBMCsHuman breast cancer PBMCs- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1320 Cortical neurons of rats- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-41 BALB/cRenal endothelial cells of BALB / c mice- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-297 CD-1Cortical neurons of CD-1 mice- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-553 Human spinal cord astrocytes (HA-sp) 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-809 -Human skeletal muscle (thin - uncultured)- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1065 PBMCsHuman and child PBMCs- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1321 Dorsal neurons of rat spinal cord- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-42 BALB/cRenal epithelial cells of BALB / c mice- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-298 CD-1CD-1 mouse mixed astrocytes- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-554 B--Human B cells 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-810 -(HSkMC) - 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1066 PBMCsHuman kidney cancer PBMCs- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1322 Hippocampal neurons of rats- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-43 BALB/cBALB / c mouse kidney fibroblasts- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...