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No. Product Specification Price
ABC-1114 Monkey aortic endothelial cells- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1370 CD8+TRat splenocytes CD8 + T cells- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-91 BKS DBBreast microvascular endothelial cells of BKS db mice- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-347 -GFPHuman mammary artery endothelial cells GFP labeling- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-603 -Human chorionic trophoblast cells fibroblast like- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-859 VSMC - 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1115 Monkey aortic fibroblasts- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1371 Rat gastric endothelial cells- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-92 BKS DBBKS db mouse ovarian endothelial cells- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-604 Human chorionic plexus endothelial cells (HCPEC) 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-860 -(HUVSMC- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1116 Monkey heart fibroblasts 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-1372 Gastric epithelial cells of rats- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-93 BKS DBPancreatic microvascular endothelial cells in BKS db mice- 1 vial... ¥inquiry...
ABC-605 Human chorioplexus epithelial cells (CPEpiC) 1 vial... ¥inquiry...