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No. | Product | Specification | Price |
P2502 | STEMCult™ IPS GF | 5ml... | ¥1680... |
P3002 | SMGC smooth muscle growth factor | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P2006 | Serum Free mesenchymal stem cell base medium MSCM-b(Serum Free) | 500ml... | ¥1260.00... |
P4002 | PGCS pericellular growth factor | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P5002 | MGCs melanocyte growth factor | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P7002 | Endothelial Progenitor cell growth factor EPGS | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P6002 | Fibroblast growth factors FGCS | 5ml... | ¥1080.00... |
P8002 | KGCs keratinocyte growth factor | 5ml... | ¥1120.00... |
P2801 | Skeletal muscle cell culture medium | 500ml... | ¥1560.00... |
P3201 | Neural Progenitor Cell Differentiation Medium | 500ml@100ml... | ¥3260@712... |