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  • ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red 预混合液

ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red Premix


Price: ¥2373.000 ¥10353.00

100 r of 50 µl
amount: - +
  • ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Red 预混合液
Products Description

From our HiFi polymerase, highQu ALLin ™ Mega HS HiFi DNA polymerase provides a lower error rate of PCR, and its fidelity is up to 100% compared with Taq. Compared with Mega HiFi, this hot start enzyme version allows higher sensitivity and specificity of PCR and room temperature reaction settings, which is a good choice for multiple reactions. ALLin ™ Mega HS HiFi DNA polymerase was designed faster to produce high yield long PCR products of up to 20 kb from complex GC-rich templates. Therefore, ALLin ™ Mega HS HiFi DNA polymerase is the best choice for long and very complex PCR applications, which can achieve the highest fidelity. It is the preferred enzyme for cloning and various sequencing applications, including NGS. The blunt-end PCR product is suitable for connecting to the blunt-end carrier. To improve the ligation efficiency, HighEnd is recommended ™ Repair Kit (HER0101)。

ALLin ™ The convenience of Mega HS HiFi DNA polymerase maximizes the advantages of reducing the load of liquid transfer and direct gel by using twice the red Mastermix. Even when PCR water is added to the main mixture, the only thing to be added is the template with primer.

ALLin ™ Mega HS HiFi Red Mastermix, 2X premixed red dye and density reagent, directly loaded on gel after PCR. In 2% TAE agarose gel, the dye migrated with about 350 bp of DNA, and in 1% TAE agarose gel, it migrated with about 600 bp of DNA fragment.

Product application:

Sequencing, including NGS library preparation

Hot start PCR, multiplex

Direct gel loading option

Rapid high-fidelity PCR (up to 100 times Taq)

Long PCR up to 20 kb

Amplification of complex (GC/AT-rich) templates

Blunt-end cloning and other applications

Product advantages:

Hot start enzyme improves sensitivity and huge multiple results

Rapid and high yield PCR, 100 times higher fidelity than Taq

20 kb long PCR can be obtained even from complex templates

Improved process, amplification speed and yield

High thermal stability makes the template rich in GC have better denaturation

The best choice for NGS and other sequencing applications

Red main mix for direct gel loading, supplied with water

Statement: For scientific research only

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