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Current position:Home > Products > highQu GmbH > PCR & qPCR > High Fidelity & Long PCR > ALLin™ Hi-fi Premix
  • ALLin™高保真预混合液

ALLin™ Hi-fi Premix


Price: ¥2233.00 ¥10073.00

100 r of 50 µl
amount: - +
  • ALLin™高保真预混合液
Products Description

From our HiFi polymerase, highQu ALLin ™ Compared with Taq, ALLin ™ Ultra high fidelity DNA polymerase 2 u/ μ L (article number: HLE0301) can provide much lower error rate PCR, with a fidelity of up to 100%. ALLin ™ Mega HiFi DNA polymerase is designed faster and can produce up to 20 kb long PCR products from complex GC-rich templates. So ALLin ™ Ultra high fidelity DNA polymerase 2 u/ μ It is the best choice for PCR applications that require the highest fidelity, longer or very complex. It is also the preferred enzyme for cloning and sequencing applications including NGS. The resulting flat-terminal PCR product is suitable for connecting to the flat-terminal vector. However, in order to improve connection efficiency, use high-end ™ It is recommended to use HighQu repair kit (HER0101) for final modification of PCR fragment end.

ALLin ™ High-fidelity premix provides additional advantages of reducing fluid transfer and errors by using 2X Mastermix and Mega HiFi DNA polymerase to maximize. The main mixture even provides PCR water, and the only template to be added is the template with primer.

Product application:

Rapid high-fidelity PCR (up to 100 x Taq)

Long PCR up to 20 kb

Amplification of complex (GC/AT-rich) templates

Sequencing, including NGS

Inert cloning and other applications

Product advantages:

Fast, high yield PCR, 100 times higher fidelity than Taq

Even 20 kb PCR from complex templates

Improve continuous synthesis capability to achieve faster amplification and higher yield

High thermal stability can better denature GC-rich templates

The best choice for NGS and other sequencing applications

Main mixing format provides PCR water for maximum convenience

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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