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Current position:Home > Products > highQu GmbH > RT-PCR & RT-qPCR > Probe-based RT-qPCR > 4X Probe one-step quantitative qPCR Kit ROX H
  • 4X 探针一步法定量qPCR试剂盒ROX H

4X Probe one-step quantitative qPCR Kit ROX H


Price: ¥4795.00 ¥20811

200 r of 20 µl
amount: - +
  • 4X 探针一步法定量qPCR试剂盒ROX H
Products Description

The 4x1 step RT-qPCR probe kit is designed to sensitively detect specific RNA, including viral RNA, in diluted large-volume samples. They combine a powerful 4X qPCR mixture (with hot-start PCR polymerase) and a 20-fold heat-stable and very active reverse transcriptase and advanced ribonuclease inhibitor (RT4 mixture). This formula allows high sample input and reliable results of one-step RT-qPCR when using low copy number samples with less than 5 copies per reaction. The 4x1 step RT-qPCR probe kit ensures the robustness of reverse transcription and qPCR reaction, thus achieving the highest sensitivity of viral RNA detection under the condition of rapid qPCR cycle.

According to the scheme recommended by Charit é Berlin, Sars-CoV-2 virus can be detected by using appropriate primers/probes to match the performance of the kit.

Detect Sars-CoV-2.

The PCR water provided in the kit ensures the best performance and reproducibility of the results.

Depending on your instrument requirements, you can choose whether the kit has ROX, ROX L (low) and ROX H (high) versions

Product application:

Detection of viral RNA in diluted low copy samples

Test Sars-CoV-2 sample

RT-qPCR analysis based on specific probes: including TaqMan ®、 Molecular beacon, Scorpions ™ probe

Quantification of any RNA template (mRNA, total RNA, viral RNA), low copy number gene

Product advantages:

Powerful 4X qPCR mixing can be used for high sample size input up to 10 µ l

Detection of<5 RNA copies per reaction

Sars-CoV-2 successfully detected

Application of reverse transcription and qPCR in the same test tube

Ideal multiple reactions

Statement: For scientific research only

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