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Current position:Home > Products > highQu GmbH > RT-PCR & RT-qPCR > Probe-based RT-qPCR > 4X probe one-step quantitative qPCR kit
  • 4X 探针一步法定量qPCR试剂盒

4X probe one-step quantitative qPCR kit


Price: ¥4795.00 ¥20811.00

200 r of 20 µl
amount: - +
  • 4X 探针一步法定量qPCR试剂盒
Products Description

4X probe one-step quantitative qPCR kit It is designed to sensitively detect specific RNA, including viral RNA, in diluted large-volume samples. They combine a powerful 4X qPCR mixture (with hot-start PCR polymerase) and a 20-fold heat-stable and very active reverse transcriptase and advanced ribonuclease inhibitor (RT4 mixture). This formula allows high sample input and reliable results of one-step RT-qPCR when using low copy number samples with less than 5 copies per reaction. The 4x1 step RT-qPCR probe kit ensures the robustness of reverse transcription and qPCR reaction, thus achieving the highest sensitivity of viral RNA detection under the condition of rapid qPCR cycle.

Sars-CoV-2 detection can be carried out with appropriate primers/probes according to the scheme recommended by Charit é Berlin and the operation price.

Sars-CoV-2 virus was detected.

The PCR water provided in the kit ensures the best performance and reproducibility of the results.

According to your instrument requirements, whether the kit has ROX, ROX L (low) and ROX H (high) versions.

Product application:

Detection of viral RNA in diluted low copy samples

Apply for Sars-CoV-2 test

RT-qPCR analysis based on specific probes: including TaqMan ®、 Molecular beacon, Scorpions ™ probe

Quantification of any RNA template (mRNA, total RNA, viral RNA), low copy number gene

Product advantages:

Powerful 4X qPCR mixing can be used for high sample size input up to 10 µ l

Detection of<5 RNA copies per reaction

Sars-CoV-2 successfully detected

Application of reverse transcription and qPCR in the same test tube

Ideal multiple reactions

Provide batch and customized packaging

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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