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Current position:Home > Products > highQu GmbH > PCR & qPCR > Probe-based qPCR > ORA™ qPCR probe Mix

ORA™ qPCR probe Mix


Price: ¥1645.00 ¥7413.00

200 r of 20 µl
amount: - +
  • ORA™ qPCR探针混合液
Products Description

HighQu qPCR mastermix is based on small-molecule inhibitor technology. Hot start PCR allows the highest sensitivity and specificity under standard and rapid qPCR cycle conditions. They provide excellent results on AT and GC rich templates, and can detect the minimum or non-optimal early Ct value in multiplexing and ensuring rapid expansion.

Our mastermix provides PCR water to ensure optimal performance. In order to adapt to a wide range of instruments, ORA ™ QPCR probe mastermix has three versions - no ROX, low or high ROX concentration.

Product application:

QPCR analysis based on specific probes:

TaqMan ®, Molecular beacon ™ probe

Gene expression analysis and quantification;

GDNA, cDNA, viral DNA, low copy number genes;


Universal - standard and fast cycle, full probe qPCR analysis

GC or AT rich template qPCR, single and multiplex

Rapid expansion, early Ct

Provide PCR water

Statement: The product is for scientific research only.

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