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  • ALLin™ HS Red Taq 预混合液

ALLin™ HS Red Taq Premix


Price: ¥2653.00 ¥11935.00

200 r of 50 µl
amount: - +
  • ALLin™ HS Red Taq 预混合液
Products Description

highQu ALLin ™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is a superior sensitive enzyme. The activity at room temperature is blocked by small molecular inhibitors. This enzyme becomes active only after heating, because it allows highly specific and sensitive amplification without the formation and background of primer dimer.

ALLin combined with optimization ™ Buffer enzymes have a high success rate in harsh PCR applications such as amplification of coarse, complex or long templates and rapid circulation.

ALLin ™ Hot start Taq-DNA polymerase has the same PCR accuracy as Taq-DNA polymerase, i.e. 4.5 × 104 (nucleotides added before the error occurred), and produce the A-tail product suitable for connecting to the TA cloning vector.

Convenient ALLin ™ Hot start Taq-DNA polymerase is to maximize the use of 2X red masterbatch to provide additional advantages, reduce liquid transfer and minimize errors. Mastermix even provides PCR water. The only thing that needs to be added is the template with primer.

highQu ALLin ™ HS Red Taq Mastermix, 2X is premixed with red dye and density reagent, used for PCR and directly loaded onto gel.

In 2% agarose TAE gel, the dye migrates with~350 bp DNA, and in 1% agarose TAE gel, it migrates with~600 bp DNA fragment.

ALLin ™ HS Red Taq Mastermix, 2X is also a key component of highQu SampleIN ™ Direct PCR kit (DPK0101/5), which ensures that the PCR results of crude samples are outstanding.

The product is applicable to:

Hot start PCR up to 6 kb with direct gel loading option

PCR of crude samples

Low copy target detection

Amplification of complex (GC/AT-rich) templates

Rapid PCR

ta cloning

Multiple hot start PCR

Product advantages:

Better than sensitivity and specificity - low copy number target detection and no background

Higher yield under standard and fast cycle

Improve sensitivity and successfully amplify long templates (6 kb), powerful amplification of GC rich templates

Pre mixed with red dye and density reagent, used for PCR and directly loaded onto gel

Statement: The product is for scientific research only

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