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  • 人肺泡上皮细胞( HPAEpiC)
Products Description

(Pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells, PAEpiC)III99%I95%>II2-5%IINa+IIAcceGenHPAEpiCHPAEpiC110^6CK-1819vimentinHPAEpiCHPAEpiCHIV-1, HBV, HCVHPAEpiCAcceGenII

Pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells (PAEpiC) comprised of alveolar type I and type II epithelial cells, line more than 99% of the internal surface area of the lung. Type I cells are large squamous cells whose thin cytoplasmic extensions cover >95% of the internal surface area. They contain aquaporins and exhibit the highest osmotic water permeability of any mammalian cell type. Type II cells, which cover 2-5% of the surface area, produce, secrete, and recycle pulmonary surfactant. The currently accepted hypothesis is that Type II cells maintain pulmonary fluid homeostasis by regulating active Na+ transport in the lungs, whereas Type I cells are "inert" cells that provide solely a barrier function, rather than having active functions. Recent study indicate that Type I cells are also important in regulating ion and fluid transport.HPAEpiC from AcceGen Research Laboratories are isolated from human lung tissue. HPAEpiC are cryopreserved at primary culture and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >1 x 10^6 cells in 1 ml volume. HPAEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with antibodies CK-18, -19, and vimentin. HPAEpiC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HPAEpiC are guaranteed to further culture at the conditions provided by AcceGen Research Laboratories. However, this cell type is not recommend for expanding or long term cultures since the cells would differentiate to become type I alveolar epithelial cells immediately after plating and type I alveolar epithelial cells do not proliferate in culture.

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