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Human arterial endothelial cells-
Price: ¥inquiry
Products Description
Primary Human Arterial Endothelial Cells are pooled primary isolates from 250 individual donor umbilical arteries.These cells were originated using Complete Serum-Free Medium, are available at<12 Cumulative Population Doublings (CPD) in vitro [Passage 3] and were cryopreserved in aliquots of ~1.510^6 cells. This vial will initiate a Passage 4 cell culture in a 75cm2 flask.These cells are available in both cryopreserved vials as well as in 25cm2 and 75cm2 proliferating culture flasks.Each vial or flask of cells is shipped to Customer with Bac-O (antibiotic) and AcceSup (animal derived growth factors) or AcceSup-R (human recombinant growth factors) at no additional cost.
For research use only